Simple Guideline
Are you struggling to choose a flower to make ?
We have separated to 3 different levels for your reference :)
Level 1 - Super Beginner
If you are new to Art & Craft but looking for some new challenge, this level will be for you!
You will not need invest in tools, just brushes for colouring, scissors and Hot Glue gun !
Level 2 - New Paper Florist
This is very suitable for you who is new to paper flowers but have experienced in other art & crafts. With small amount of your art instinct, you can manage this level easily.
And Most of our paper flowers are at this level
Level 3 - With Patience
This is not a particular difficult level, but it requires a bit more patience, especially in colouring or petals cutting. In this level, most of the flowers are multi- headed or heavy petaled.